Thanks for the input. I think you have slightly misunderstood my post. Currently, if you visit (not trying to promote, but perhaps it will clarify), you will see a table without about 10 links to 10 different sermons. I even have instructions below on downloading these files to your computer. My reason for using an embedded player was basically just for design purposes, but perhaps that is not a good idea. I did not consider the fact of not being able to leave the site while listening, and since these are as long as 40 minutes, this might get annoying. IE currently streams these files by default, but Firefox automatically downloads them for some reason even when I choose to open rather than save. I had planned to use mp3s, but switched to .wma files for size/quality reasons. Though I lose some quality with the current bit rate, it sounds pretty good and the size is between 3-4MB. This same quality in MP3 format is 5-6MB. For high speed users this is not much of a difference, but for those of us who live in the middle of nowhere who are stuck using dial-up, this makes a big difference. Who is unable to play wma files? Mac and Linux users? I was not aware of this. Thanks for all the input, Jedidiah