Re: Re: question regarding Reflection

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4 things you need to look into:

1. is_file() and is_readable()
2. $argv (contains what was passed along with the cmdline)
3. __autoload()
4. include_path (.ini setting)

I trust that you capable of STFW and RTFM well enough to
take those 4 and make a start at creating something that resembles
'class loading functionality'?

Manish Marathe wrote:
On 11/1/05, Curt Zirzow <czirzow@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Tue, 01 Nov 2005 14:31:12 -0800, Manish Marathe wrote:

My question is to use the Reflection API, I need to import the original
class for which I am generating tests. For example to generate a tests


class Company which is in Company.php:


$c = new ReflectionClass('Company');

If I have to generate test for many classes at once, it would be foolish
to have them included in my file on the runtime. Am I understanding it
correctly ?

Yes you are understanding correctly. You can avoid this issue by using
the pcntl[1] tools available in php (assuming this is a *nix environment.)
A simple usage would be something like:


$pid = pcntl_fork();
if ($pid == -1) {

die('could not fork');

} else if ($pid) {

// we are the parent
pcntl_wait($status); //Protect against Zombie children

echo 'Class is defined: ';
var_dump(class_exists('foobar', false));

} else {

// we are the child
// create a class to see if the parent sees it
class foobar { }

// do your Unit testing..


The parent process would just iterate through all the class files

you need to include and fork a child. Then you can include the file in
the child process run your unit test and then exit.

I use this method for any sort of long lasting script that causes a lot of
memory or resource usage.

Wow, this certainly helps when we actually run the unit tests and I didn't
think of this earlier so my next question has been already answered by you I
guess if I understand you.

My current problem is this: Below is some chunk of the scrip I am writing to
generate test code.

include_once "Company.php";

class TestGenerator {

public function TestGenerator() {


public function catchReflection() {

$classInfo = new ReflectionClass('Company');
// Below here I will be getting all the information about the class
"Company" and then I will be generating a test class CompanyTest which
resides in the file CompanyTest.php.

So in this script of mine I have included the Company.php above because the
statement $classInfo = new ReflectionClass('Company'); uses it. Now this is
just an example I have taken to see how my generator works. The user would
use the TestGenerator something like this:

php TestGenerator.php myClass

Now is there a way that in my script I can let PHP look for a file
myClass.php or for that matter any php file that has myClass so that I don't
have to include it, as it is totally upto the user which file its gonna pass
to the TestGenerator.php script to generate the test code and I cannot
statically include that in my file. I believe this time I have stated my
problem clearer, earlier I did not, I apologize.

Thank You

 Manish Marathe
SpikeSource, Inc.

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