[snip] Done a phpinfo() to see if the CURL extension is really getting loaded? Is your extension_dir (or whatever it's called) correct in php.ini? The other thing that's caught me out when I've been forced to use that degenerate platform, is that sometimes PHP is using a different php.ini from the one you thought it was using, f.x. if there has been an earler PHP install and someone's put php.ini in c:\windows\system32 or something. [/snip] The curl extension is not getting loaded according to phpinfo. The extension directory is set in the php.ini to c:\php\extension I just noticed that extension_dir in phpinfo is c:\php4 THAT AIN'T RIGHT! Why is PHP not loading the proper ini file? This is probably the source of my problems all along! ACK!!!!! -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php