On 5 Jul 2005, at 15:07, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
Gaby vanhegan wrote:
Is there a specific compile switch that I need to build Apache with in
order to allow php5 to see and use the sapi_apache2 module? I could
nothing specific in a "./configure --help" for either Apache or php.
have the rpm .spec file, so I could theoretically do a nice clean
rebuild if I needed to.
First, have you read the documentation?
And no, there is nothing you need to do to your Apache2. Simply build
PHP using --with-apxs2 and then in your Apache config file, LoadModule
the resulting libphp5.so shared library as per the instructions.
I have read the documentation also, and the module is already
LoadModule'd into apache. I've built php from source many times
before, so I'm fairly familiar with the configuration settings and how
to get it working in Apache. The configure settings I used were:
./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs \
--with-libxml-dir=/usr/lib \
--with-openssl \
--with-zlib \
--enable-bcmath \
--with-bz2 \
--enable-calendar \
--with-curl \
--enable-dbx \
--enable-dio \
--enable-exif \
--enable-ftp \
--with-gd \
--with-ttf \
--enable-gd-native-ttf \
--with-gettext \
--enable-mbstring \
--with-mysql \
And in /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf:
LoadModule php5_module modules/libphp5.so
And that is actually loading the correct version of libphp5.so, the one
that is compiled and installed by my php build. libphp5.so is loaded,
but the sapi_apache2 module doesn't exist. The place where I would
expect sapi_apache2 to be listed in phpinfo() (the apache2handler
section) contains this:
Loaded Modules
core prefork http_core mod_so mod_access mod_auth mod_auth_anon
mod_auth_dbm mod_auth_digest util_ldap mod_auth_ldap mod_include
mod_log_config mod_env mod_cern_meta mod_expires mod_deflate
mod_headers mod_usertrack mod_setenvif mod_mime mod_dav mod_status
mod_autoindex mod_asis mod_info mod_dav_fs mod_vhost_alias
mod_negotiation mod_dir mod_imap mod_actions mod_speling mod_userdir
mod_alias mod_webapp mod_rewrite mod_proxy proxy_ftp proxy_http
proxy_connect mod_cache mod_suexec mod_disk_cache mod_file_cache
mod_mem_cache mod_cgi mod_perl mod_php5 mod_python mod_ssl mod_fpcgid
Somebody previously suggested that I rebuild apache with threading
enabled. Will this make a difference?
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