John Jairo Vega Angulo wrote:
Hi, hope you have a good programming:
I'm still a novice in php topics and I'm looking forward to find a FREE
hosting site to publish my .php's, so I hope you could give me an advise,
and if the service provides MySQL hosting too, it would be great!!!!. That's
all, greetings from a really php fan.
Thanks in advance.
I'm very much of the opinion that you get what you pay for when it comes
to hosting. If you can even find a free PHP and MySQL host, they're
likely to be crap.
If you're only playing around with PHP (which I can only assume you are,
as you want a free host), I would suggest that you simply install PHP
and MySQL on your computer and host it locally.
If you're planning on publishing the files so that other people can use
your application, I suggest you consider paying a small fee for the
service, as you will end up much better off.
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