Richard Lynch wrote:
On Tue, May 24, 2005 7:24 am, Rahul S. Johari said:
I¹m trying to delete all files in a folder based on a string match with
following code:
$dir = '/Library/WebServer/Documents/';
$dp = opendir($dir) or die ('Fatal Error: '.mysql_error());
while ($file = readdir($dp)) {
if ((eregi('.png',$file)) && (filemtime($dir.$file)) <
(strtotime('yesterday'))) {
$yesterday = mktime( 0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")-1, date("Y") );
$date = date( "m-d-y, D", $yesterday );
echo "<B>Erase Successful!</B><br>All images up to $date, have been
permanently erased from the Server.";
I need the code to delete all images created till yesterday, and leave
images created today. Somehow strtotime(Œyesterday¹) doesn¹t work.
If I put strtotime(Œ-2 days¹) or strtotime(Œ-7 days¹) or even
strtotime(Œ8:00am¹)... They all work accordingly. How come (Œyesterday¹)
isn¹t working? It doesn¹t delete anything.
burhan@sandbox burhan $ php -r "echo date('r',strtotime('-1 day'));"
Tue, 24 May 2005 09:00:35 +0300
burhan@sandbox burhan $ date
Wed May 25 09:02:10 AST 2005
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