Ave, I¹m trying to delete all files in a folder based on a string match with the following code: <? $dir = '/Library/WebServer/Documents/something.com/subfolder/'; $dp = opendir($dir) or die ('Fatal Error: '.mysql_error()); while ($file = readdir($dp)) { if ((eregi('.png',$file)) && (filemtime($dir.$file)) < (strtotime('yesterday'))) { unlink($dir.$file); } } closedir($dp); $yesterday = mktime( 0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")-1, date("Y") ); $date = date( "m-d-y, D", $yesterday ); echo "<B>Erase Successful!</B><br>All images up to $date, have been permanently erased from the Server."; ?> I need the code to delete all images created till yesterday, and leave images created today. Somehow strtotime(?yesterday¹) doesn¹t work. If I put strtotime(?-2 days¹) or strtotime(?-7 days¹) or even strtotime(?8:00am¹)... They all work accordingly. How come (?yesterday¹) isn¹t working? It doesn¹t delete anything. Any tips? Rahul S. Johari Coordinator, Internet & Administration Informed Marketing Services Inc. 251 River Street Troy, NY 12180 Tel: (518) 266-0909 x154 Fax: (518) 266-0909 Email: rahul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://www.informed-sources.com