Malcolm wrote:
Hello All,
I've been trying for days now to make this work. I'm trying to search my array for a value and return the key. I get the visitor's IP and try this -- this is the latest, I've tried a few functions to echo the name associated with the viz_ip.
$viz_ip= $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$byte_ip= array(
""=>"John", );
function _array_search ($viz_ip, $byte_ip) {
foreach($byte_ip as $key => $val) {
if ($viz_ip === $key) { return($val); }
return(False); }
I'm no wiz but this shouldn't be this hard, maybe I'm thinking wrong. I've read the examples at but I just can't get it. Some help or even a hint ?
best regards, malcolm
I might be the only one to notice here, but you don't want to find the KEY, you want to find the VALUE. Otherwise, you'll need to assemble your array differently.
$viz_ip= $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $byte_ip= array( ""=>"Mark", ""=>"Bob", ""=>"John" );
That means: $byte_ip[$viz_ip] = some_name;
That's because you have ips set as your *keys*, and not your values. To do what you wanted, simply either:
a) reverse the array, making keys values and values keys:
$byte_ip= array(
b) change the function to match on key (for which you don't *need* a function).
- Tul
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