Rob Tanner wrote: > I have a php application that I developed on my RH Linux workstation > running > Apache v1.3.20 and PHP v4.3.6. The actual production system is also RH > Linux > but running Apache v2.0.47 and PHP v4.3.6. The php.ini file on both > system > is the same. The application talks to our sieve server and enables users > to > setup email forwarding and vacation responses. After the user presses the > submit, the application connects to the sieve server and correctly sets up > the filter. This works properly on both my workstation/development system > and the production server. The application then displays a status page > indicating whether or not forwarding was setup and the forward address, > and > whether or not a vacation response was setup and the response text. The > status display values are each based on the value of a single variable > ($fmode and $vmode respectively). On my development system, this page > displays perfectly correctly, but on the production server the status page > always displays forwarding as unset. > > Granting the possibility that I may have unintentionally defined the > variables differently, what might cause them to be treated one way on my > development system and another on the production server given that the > php.ini file is the same on both systems? Any clues? First, use <?php phpinfo();?> to confirm 100% that the php.ini file you think is loading is actually loading. Next, be sure your Apache was restarted. Finally, I'd look (maybe even grep) for some kind of auto_prepend script or bug or something odd with the name 'fmode' outside of your scripts. -- Like Music? -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: