Stephen Craton wrote:
Thanks for the reply, and forgive me if I top post, just a bad habit. I think my original intention has been misunderstood. :)
I don't plan on starting my own hosting business at all, I just want to allow access to my own personal Apache server to show the clients I am working for the work I've completed on their project so far. Kind of like showing the progress of the blueprints of a house. I don't plan to host the end result, just like the constructor doesn't plan to build the house on top of the blue prints. I seem to like analogies tonight. :)
I have a cable connection and a custom built PC, with a hullava lot of RAM and processing power (1gb and 3ghz). Basically, I just want to know how to secure the server so that they don't get access to other computers within our network. :)
Well, outside of the topics discussed on these pages (you are using Apache, right? I hope?)...
Securing the rest of your box would be too off topic (the MySQL and Apache part are OT too, but we've changed this list to the PHP/MySQL/Apache list ;)
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