As noted in the picture in the right image she is at the edge of the frame.and she is not only in the middle of the left frame she is much father from the lens. The camera automatically applies the same (per lens) undistortion warp. Which seems to in this case. In fact I just replicated it with my Ipad. and no I'm not showing anyone what I look like in vacation mode sitting in my house. :-P
On Tue, Dec 26, 2023 at 12:35 PM Andrew Davidhazy <andpph@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
seeing as one has the ability to send messages to the list that are less than 100kb I am taking the opportunity to send this question that has me partly baffled. So, here are two photos f this woman taken from different frames. In one she is unnatural proportioned. Why? And I have seen this effect in many phone camera shots. Why are not people "complaining" about it. And is there some software that can correct for it?Andy