Good idea! I'm in
Mário Pires
On the web since 1994
On the web since 1994
On Tue, Jun 9, 2020 at 2:11 AM Herschel Mair <herschphoto@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
count me in!On Mon, Jun 8, 2020 at 4:47 PM Emily L. Ferguson <elferg308@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:On Jun 8, 2020, at 2:37 PM, Rob Talbot <histrio@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Good idea ...
Do you think it should be loosely relevant to the pandemic, or just "photos we took during the period?I think we should stick to the pandemic period but not limit ourselves to photos. Some of us may have been doing creative things with our photographs, or as a break from taking photographs. I, for example, made a modest book containing a poem I wrote based on a short trip to take some photographs of a location on my bucket list, and have also been working for a friend doing video of her story telling business.Links to these kinds of creative work can function in the gallery display that Andy uses, I suspect._________________
Emily L. Ferguson
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races