I still suggest doing editing. A few years ago, I inherited several thousand Kodachromes my scientist Dad shot on his Leica and Nikon SP, and discovered to my horror that many of his chromes of just about everywhere he had been were OOF (out of focus). This included all of Yurrup, behind the Iron Curtain (even when he was on assignment for the Company), northern Africa, towns where the locals had built mud-walled three-storied apartment houses in the Sahara, simple societies in Senegal, Niger, the Euphrates-Tigris delta, etc. All the stuff he shot of my siblings and I were tack sharp, but he shot them on a Retina IIc, before he got a really good camera like the Nikon. I was distraught when I read that ISIS had destroyed the great library at Timbuktu. So carefully review what you’ve got and toss the OOF. Jan