I know, I know :) Just started the conversation with asking if anyone happens to go in the same direction. Then things went out of hand :)
About my shooting I think I’m much better than I am, ‘cause I tend to be lazy sometimes, esp. at home. Out there one can find many more excuses to be active, busy and much more creative than usually :) But it may be just the other way round - no sleeping, rain and cold wind may kill all creativity.
I cross my fingers, although in such manner it would be hard to press the button :)
But thanks again!
My advice is to never ask a bunch of photographers who’ve been there, done that, and got huge T-shirt collections again. Just impress us with your incredible shots (if you get any) later.
Some of us have been where you’re going, but none of us can prepare you for what you will find. It seems you might have your head in your butt about things I take as obvious. I love the big hot-tub experience and what you found in Greece is guaranteed not going to be found in Iceland. If nothing else Icelanders know how to have a good time and if given the chance will help out.
What this really is, is a test to see if you are as creative and innovative as you think you are. You could start by giving people the benefit of the doubt and not thinking they’re all lying to you. I would tell you to get travel insurance too to cover your equipment.
Peeter its just an amazing place and if you showed up in a swimsuit with nothing else the people would help you get what you need to make it a perfect trip.
Art Faul
The Artist Formerly Known as Prints ------ Camera Works - The Washington Post