The color used by Coke and T-mobile are not colors you can just get with with standard color models. You have to try. LIke Higher Toyo to make the color So they have to prove you lifted their color and that its not just part of the CMYK spectrum. This is nothing new though Pantone has been doing this since pantone started. T mobile only won because it was a bad faith by AT&T to deliberately mislead consumers with that little company. LIke if you use Coke's red there is jack all they can do unless you are making a product that is very similar to Coke. Like Pepsi would lose. Kitchenaid would win.
So the story is a bit more jaw slapping then facts. On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 11:49 AM, Andrew Davidhazy <andpph@xxxxxxx> wrote:
disappointing … colors can and do also happen in nature and if one makes a photograph of something
that has the same color as a copyrighted color then what? this is just weird.
On Jul 16, 2015, at 1:06 AM, karl shah-jenner <shahjen@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> pantone adds a new colour (color) to the range..