From: "Andrew Davidhazy" <andpph@xxxxxxx>
To: "PhotoForum educational network" <photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2015 10:30 PM
Subject: Re: PhotoForum Digest, Vol 101, Issue 1/giving up film
It has gotten a bit harder to make your own camera - digital I mean - not
impossible but quite a bit harder!
I have misplaced some of the pulled-apart flatbed scanner/roundshot I
built.. some of it went into a laser engraver, and the other usb driven
flatbed lies unmolested at the bottom of the 'things to do' pile (current
project is taking a little 1080 4.3" LCD screen + AV driver and popping it
in a box with a 100W LED behind it and a lens salvaged from one of those old
huge triple CRT RGB screen movie projectors that you used to see in pubs
decades back, as a home built movie projector. The beauty of it is the lens
is magnificent quality, and I can punch a ton of light through it with a
glass heat shield and a fan. Much easier than the older xenon based data
projectors and all the components are cheap enough that if(when) I burn
something out I can just jam in another for pocket change)
Anyway, I was looking for the post I sent ages back about hacking camera
firmware on old Kodak/Nikon Kodak/Canon pro DSLRs so you could play Kong on
them or something equally idiotic when I stumbled over this and thought a
few here might find it interesting - grab an old cheap Canon point and shoot
and turn it into a dedicated lightning camera, a dedicated motion capture
cam or a raft of other thing
What is CHDK?
a.. Canon Hack Development Kit
b.. Features
a.. Professional control - RAW files, bracketing, full manual control
over exposure, zebra mode, live histogram, grids, etc.
b.. Motion detection - Trigger exposure in response to motion, fast
enough to catch lightning.
c.. USB remote - Simple DIY remote allows you to control your camera
d.. Scripting - Control CHDK and camera features using uBASIC and Lua
scripts. Enables time lapse, motion detection, advanced bracketing, and
c.. There's heaps more this can do but I'll let you all discover more
have fun!