You won't find any complaints of flare or Halation from people that use lens for larger formats on smaller sensors. Every lens even has over projection of image since the image is a Circle always. The fact that your circle is bigger won't be an issue. the image circle for every type of slr/dslr/tlr/mirrorless is larger then the rectangle or square of the imaging area and is striking the black matte painted area around the sensor. Scratch the paint then you might see issues.
On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 12:16 PM, Dan Mitchell <danmdan3842@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Wow - I sure started an interesting discussion.
One more thing
- if I use a lens which once could cover a 35mm sized 36 x 24mm film frame, on a digital body with an APS-C or smaller sensor, what does the light that does not fall on the small sensor do - does it bounce around the camera interior causing problems with image quality ?
> On 26 Mar 2015, at 11:00, photoforum-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Use of Film-camera lenses with Digital (karl shah-jenner)
> 2. Re: Use of Film-camera lenses with Digital (Randy Little)
> 3. Re: Use of Film-camera lenses with Digital (karl shah-jenner)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------