----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Mitchell" <danmdan3842@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2015 12:16 AM
Subject: Re: PhotoForum Digest, Vol 53, Issue 1
Wow - I sure started an interesting discussion.
One more thing
- if I use a lens which once could cover a 35mm sized 36 x 24mm film frame,
on a digital body with an APS-C or smaller sensor, what does the light that
does not fall on the small sensor do - does it bounce around the camera
interior causing problems with image quality ?
it sure does ;) I'm a fan of using those cine-style bellows lens shades
with appropriate masks cut from black card to mask off the non-image portion
of the light entering the lens.. Mamiya and Hasselblad lens shades work
nicely and are often pretty cheap these days. Harder if you use zooms, but
again the mamiya / Blad shades work well, some have a rack mechanism that
allows the shade to be racked in and out to suit.
Of course that's presuming you want sharp, high contrast images - if you
want the dreamy 70's style look the extra light will add nicely to the
efeect ;)