For whatever they are worth, my thoughts on this week’s gallery.
You have seen the lines of this basketball court in a new and interesting way. The contrast of colors is terrific and the composition is well thought through. At first I wasn’t sure about the small black object in the light near the top but I think it adds a nice bit of tension. Dan Mitchell - Picture at an Exhibition This is another photograph well seen and captured. All the elements relate well and lend a bit of humor to the overall image. The way you made this it feels, to me, that the large humanoid figure on the left seems insulted that the two women aren’t paying any attention. Klaus Knuth - South Mountain There is an interesting thing going on with the blue tones of the sky and the blues in the foreground element. Te way the small flag on its pole is placed allows it to stand out from the background. I feel the sky is too bright but that is purely a personal opinion. Art Faul - The Illuminated 2-Footed Man, Stockholm It is always interesting how good a real panorama made with a quality camera can look. Having been absent from here for a while I don’t understand the reference to your feet, sorry. The bright spot is an interesting way to make you anonymous. Christopher Strevens - Valentines day London. Whatever day it is, there is certainly a lot of activity. The camera movement along with the blur of the cars creates quite a sense of the dynamic. You have also used perspective well to draw the viewer through the scene. One further bit of information on my own image, I showed it recently along with a few others from this series. This one led to some interesting discussion on what it is we are seeing. To me that is unimportant as I’m really interested in the relationship of the forms. This particular body modification does add some confusion. |