Well in the US you can take figure drawing class at whatever age your
parents take you. Only the models need to be of legal age to be nude. Any
age restrictions are self imposed or local laws. I have seen from 12-18
to just needed parental consent below 18. I realize Australia as an even
more crazy religious right then even the US but I would find it hard to
believe that there are age restrictions in Sydney and Melbourne. I can't
imagine all those French in Surry think their needs to be an age limit.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Australia 31% no stated religion
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_the_United_States 19.l6%
religion doesn't hold much sway here so I'm not sure if it's religion, we
are a socialist country though, even our 'right wing' government is only
right wing of far left.. Socialism tends to take the view that authority
holds sway over individual rights, so that may be why our laws are so
restrictive and individual liberties are not as enthusiastically supported
as in the US.
fortunately I'm in the West.. Both Sydney and Melbourne are a bit tougher..
"New South Wales, the law just states that offensive language shall not be
used within hearing distance of a public place, or a school"
yup. not so good for the old aussie image ..
As to an under 18 being exposed to nudity, that can be taken as a pretty
serious offense - there was a bit of a fuss from some staff, but when they
saw the consequences of what they may face, they quickly backed down.
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