From: "Randy Little"
If its being used by art teachers. Then what they aren't teaching Whitkin
or Serrano either? Teachers don't usually advocated Censorship.
No idea.
The college I lectured at did have an art photo course, but they started
taking in sub-18 year old students, so even nude or semi-nude modelling in
drawing and photo classes were hit with a ban after parents complained.
Parents do things like that. There wasn't too much fuss in my area though,
the intake requirements were completion of high school physics, chem and
math - optical physics and chemistry classes didn't seem to attract the same
age group.. and Kodak employees, police, doctors and the like didn't seem to
be that interested in the what to take pictures of , they seemed more
interested in the how
My take? If a parent wants to complain about profanity, the law is on
their side.
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