You are right. A watermark is translucent. There is another issue. I just didn't mention this earlier so as not to complicate the discussion. The original photos are faded and dirty. They were owned by a private collector, who gave it to the museum. The curator asked me to retouch the photos. I did so for free, as the curator and I are friends and we belong to a group called The Heritage Conservation Advocates. I know this isn't what other photographers would suggest -- not to ask for money in exchange for work -- but I did so anyway. Now that some people have photographed the retouched, framed photos, and putting them in with Google Adsense -- thereby making the website commercial -- I feel I'm a victim of theft. Do I have copyright on the retouched photos. I do not yet know a law regarding this matter in my country -- Philippines -- but in your country, who owns copyright of the retouched photos? On 8/21/2014 1:59 AM, PhotoRoy6@xxxxxxx