On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 9:38 PM, Andrew Davidhazy <andpph@xxxxxxx> wrote:
PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space MARCH 15, 2014.
Emily Ferguson - Slow panning a sunset near me the other night.
Interesting image, but I'd like to know in what sense it was "panning". Did the camera move? If so, over what angle? How long was the exposure? Or were only the clouds moving? Stuff like that.
Trevor Cunningham - desert pano resubmitted
I don't remember the previous one. This one looks "successful" but I realized something as I examined it. What suddenly came to me was that the shadows on the right had a different orientation from the shadows on the left. That is, the exposed areas on the structures on the right were on the left side of the structures, and vice versa for those on the left. But this is exactly what has to happen when taking a panoramic series of snaps; as the camera rotates, looking toward the right, in this case the sun is coming from the left, but looking toward the left the sun is coming from the right. So, the success, in my mind, is somewhat mitigated. I guess the viewer actually has to be stationed inside an arc on which the image is posted. (Sorry to have gone on so long.)
Lea Murphy - Rachel, Josh and Edyn in the hot tub
All I can say here is that the tones are very nice, and it successfully shows the kids having fun.
Bob McCulloch - Sails on the Bay
Firstly, this is a schooner, not just a sailboat. And most probably not a yacht. It might be the schooner Clearwater which was intended to replicate an old fishing schooner, and built with great support by Pete Seeger to promote the cleanup of the Hudson River. As for the image, a nice shot showing the superposition of the old boat and new buildings, with the old part seeming to lecture the new about which old values should be maintained along with the new. (My take, of course.)