Yeah I would stand behind every one of those . Especially the one that is sympathy. You know the first one that is in understanding of what it's like to teach teachers.
On Jan 7, 2014 3:28 PM, "YGelmanPhoto" <ygelmanphoto@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Show you? Maybe you're not the prime belittler, but besides indirect comments here are direct examples from your posts:January 7, 2014 3:21:19 PM EST"then try and teach a VFX Crew full of people with statues."January 7, 2014 2:49:14 PM EST" Wow you really don't deal with the real art world do you. Curious jack how many permanent collections besides your walls that your work is in? How many commissions have you done? "January 7, 2014 11:03:25 AM EST
" I'm not every going to kowtow to comments from people who aren't in this for more then just to get a BJ from their little click of faux inteligincia buddies."January 4, 2014 11:45:23 PM EST"Ok Mao. Only one person was disparaging . And have the balls to talk directly to people."On Jan 7, 2014, at 2:49 PM, Randy Little wrote:who belittled? show me. You love twisting words so show me this belittlement. teachers don't belittle they give you a GRADE. Would you like me to grade your work? How about I have the photography curator from a museum to critique the Galley one week.On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 2:28 PM, <asharpe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:No. Defending your work is not what teachers and professionals do. They
instead explain what they were trying to achieve, and describe their
processes and ideas. They do not belittle, nor do they claim that if you
don't see what they wanted you to see, then you are obviously blind to
their brilliance. Defending means that you already feel as if you are
attacked and insecure.