Huge grey area. Your are talking about 3rd party display and in many cases it is not infrigment. Its nor the case here though where the photogrphes are the photogrpahers or gifts of the artist. What if I took the pictures that she posed for and I then post them for diplay? Moral? No. Legal yes. If you give me a painting you created I can diplay that gift how ever I like see in non profit manner as well. In fact I can probably display it how ever I like as long as I dont make copies.
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-------- Original message --------
From: James Schenken <jds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 11/15/2013 8:47 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students <photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Copyright, an answer to revenge porn
That doesn't make sense. If I give you a book or video, for example, and you put a copy up on the internet not for financial gain, are you claiming no infringement has taken place?
No damages to use a gift in a not for profit showing. If you give me a picture I can unless in the license told other wise display that image as I see fit as long as I am not selling it as by presenting me with the image you are granting me personal use. that would be like saying I give you a painting and you can only hang it where I decide AFTER the fact. ( not that revenge porn is a good thing in any way but copyright isn't going to help unless you send a license saying this can NEVER be displayed. Which wouldn't hold up in court.On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 10:06 AM, <PhotoRoy6@xxxxxxx> wrote:If a person takes pictures of themselves they should copyright them thru the US Govt. so if they end up as revenge porn they get the statutory damages