And you again have missed the
point entirely in that FRAMING IS NOT CROPPING.
Why is that Randy?
I can see a whole world in front of me..
I grab a lens then move back or forward - sure I'm changing perspective, but
I'm also cropping out some stuff. Let's say I am using mah ol' 8x10 and I
switch to a 35mm camera - that alone is cropping, snapped from the same
spot, the little bit of 35mm film could be popped over the neg from the 8x10
and it'd be obvious it's a cropped portion of the same scene. Project that
onto an enlarger baseboard and arrange the paper and I can crop yet again.
it's all cropping in name or not, whether I zoom about, change lenses, move
in or out, rotate the camera..
as to conventions of aspect rations, as you say the East differs from the
West in their views of right and wrong. Some folks like my 'portraits' of
subjects normally rendered as landscapes, others shake their heads,
disturbed, and say it should have been a landscape and tell me you only
photograph PEOPLE in portrait. In that case I chose to fram/crop the scene
a different way. Mr David Vestal had a nice example of this in a very
narrow crop of tree in a street, it looked good. Others didn't like it.
Tastes are not universal.