Dear Photo-forum members Mum only has weeks to live now and may not survive for her 100th birthday on the 10th September. I miss her badly as we have been together for many years. I now suffer from severe depression but I am not suicidal. There is no treatment except the anti-depressant I take and it is not working. Even coffee does not make me happy. I hope they have not permanently injured my brain as an anti-psychotic. Psychiatry is a sick science and does no good to anyone. I suggest a photo-journalist go into some of these psychiatric prisons and find out what goes on and make drawings or photographs of the conditions there in. You will find puddles of urine because anti-psychotics cause dribbling and loss of urination control and mind-poisoned inmates who just sit and stare and you will find brain operated zombies who obey orders naked. And people who have had all their money stolen and those who are in debt, usually as a result of psychological assault. I would suggest that most of the inmates are put there by religious groups because the religion was rejected and they were then got at by a priest. Even criminals are often victims of priestly assault that turned them to a life of crime. In connection with this, the work of the priesthood must be investigated to reveal the their terrible acts carried out in the same of their religion. The fundamental cause of all this illness is the human condition. We are clever enough to realise that we will die and this cleverness makes us prone to this sort of disease that is why psychiatrists attack the organ of reason itself on the grounds that civilised, stable living that makes for wealth depends on mankind having a religion and thus believing in a “second life”. In fact is some countries, such as Britain, the labouring class are routinely brain damaged to make them just clever enough to do their mindless tasks and rely on the priesthood to guide them and the aristocrats to look after them. As a result British civilisation has survived since William the murdering, raping, psychopath founded it in 1066. Britain as a result is not a nice place and its inhabitants are routinely pacified. It is superficially peaceful here but there is an underlying current of revolt and uprisings are brutally put down usually by frontal lobotomy of the revolutionaries brains. It is called psychiatry. In Britain political revolutionaries are treated alongside common criminals because all crimes are also treason. My political and religious views have led me into attacks, mostly physical and I am disfigured as a result. This has not changed my opinion. I have been told that what I say is normal conversation for the chattering classes but forbidden to the workers and my views run counter to the system here and although I would like to leave, I am prevented. I think I would not do well in the usa because of my left wing ideas and my religion excludes me from nearly everywhere. I was brought up for a while in the USSR where I was happy and successful. Chris. |