Re: 8 vs 16 bit

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Lea asks:
Editing in Photoshop from Lightroom there is a huge file size difference between 8 and 16 bit. How large a print would a person need to make in order for the difference to be seen?
Is the difference really worth it?
Insight? Experience? I'd be happy to hear yours.

for printing you wont see a jot of difference, and if your image is exposed correctly, you won't see a jot of difference in editing it - however, if your exposure is a bit off or needs tweaking.. or you're playing with HDR - then you want to be editing in 16 bit.

There's no improvement or anything added in the amount of exposure - in stops, say for example if you have a maximum of 5 stops between your blackest and your whitest then that is that - however is you start stretching out the tonal range, the more *steps* between them, the further it can be stretched without showing banding :)

Printers - most print 8 bit, if not all, and basically the print driver or RIP will discard and re-process your image to 8 bit to actually print it


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