Thanks for your comment, Thane. Here is the original photo of Diego: On 8/18/2012 8:43 AM, Thane Thurmond
Just a few comments on the members gallery for 08/11/12: Elson T. Elizaga - Extraordinary Claims - A young boy with a skeptical (quizzical?) _expression_ on his face, with a Carl Sagan quote below him. As a scientist I had to comment on this picture. It would be a real accomplishment if we could teach children to ask questions and not take everything at face value, and at the same time we as adults should be willing to try to address their questions. Anyway, back to the photograph. I like the overall composition and the catch lights are well done. However, I feel that a little judicious cropping is in order to bring more of Diego's body into the picture. As it is, my eyes are drawn to the space below his right armpit. Other than that I like the overall effect. |