I'm officially on vacation for Holy Week with a few minutes to post a review before my daughter arrives home and family celebrating begins--today's my little nephew's birthday.Robert HallI can't figure out why in the world you would have waited eight years to show this image off. It's very nicely done and shows depth of both distance and tone very well. I wonder how much post-processing (darkroom or photoshop) you did to get it to this point. It looks wonderful.Emily L. Ferguson I really do like what's happening in this image but would be inclined to give the saturation a healthy slap to the right. Great job. Marilyn DalrympleI'm not really one for funky psychedelic solarized photographs but as they go, this one works. What makes the image for me is that the leaf is clearly identifiable which gives the image a sense of place and makes it make sense to my mind. If you had a hand in swirling the water in post production you did a great job of it.Bob McCullochThis is one of those places that I'm sure screamed SHOOT ME when you were there but hasn't translated great into this image. Again I'd slap the saturation around and would even do a little work with the clarity slider in LR (if you use LR). The empty sky doesn't help much other than to say you were at a beautiful place on what must surely have been a beautiful day and for that you are fortunate indeed.Dan Mitchell The new LR lets a person grab a still from a video and that interests me. I think this image is composed really well with lovely verticals playing against the angled bow and violin neck. I also like how the lettering leads your eye across the image. The blown whites are a bother. Lea Murphy Were I to do additional work on this image I'd remove the black rock just beyond the water's edge, just right of center. Isn't it interesting how we can work an image and not see things that later drive us bonkers? This type of photography (shooting wide for people) is so far from my norm that I just keep being happy to have tried it and come away with something I like.John Palcewski Mad? Pensive? Keeping an eye on a nearby spider headed her way? To me her _expression_ doesn't match her pose. She seems leaned back in what may more typically be considered a sensual pose but she she seems to be uncomfortable. Were her eyes looking at you I think it would work better as a portrait given her body position. As it it is appears as if she said to herself, "I have the need to think a deep thought. I'm going to lean against this tree and think it." I do like the grain and the cropping on this. Sherie TaylorThere is a lot happening here: the yellow of the caution banner running into the yellow of the hoodie which ends up moving your eye through the image. Then there's the man in the background holding the sign and his face very much mimics the face on his sign so that leads my eye up. Then there's the man in the business suit entering stage left right into the middle of a Hoodie March which sends a very interesting message indeed given the event that prompted the rally in the first place. I was prepared to not care to much for this image when looking at the thumbnail but was pleasantly surprised when I saw it large. |