On 5/7/11 11:31 PM, ADavidhazy wrote:
http://people.rit.edu/andpph/gallery.html include:
Katharina Kitaeva -
I'm finding it difficult to find meaning, but that also means I keep
looking at it, so that has to mean something. Just before or after
midnight, I can't tell. Lifeless look on her face, greenish cast...makes
me think of vampires. But that's cliche, or maybe the subject is a
cliche...I just don't know. Well lit and exposed, very good job at
controlling the blacks...not an easy thing to do considering how much
black there is.
Pini Vollach - Night shot
Neat shadows, great idea. Wish it didn't have the camera shake.
Emily Ferguson - fiddleheads
Lovely. Great color sat. Can imagine them in my salad as I type.
Sherie Taylor - Sunset
Tilted and spotty. Could use just a little more contrast for detail in
the hills below the sun.
Dan Mitchell - Wide-angle
I do like the Rorschach effect, and often find myself leaving the
composites of stitched images as is. The bone that keeps poking me,
however, is evident here in that the slightest difference in perspective
alters tonality and the image often ends up with a patchwork effect to
it. Sometimes, I guess it can be an interesting effect, but I generally
find it annoying.
Yoram Gelman - Croton Dam -- April 2011
Gosh, I'd like to see this image much larger. Seems a little dark toward
the lower margins. Still, a majestic image.
Don Roberts - The Ginza, Tokyo
Seems a little heavy on contrast or sharpen mask. I like the fact that
it's a street scene with a street and no cars. It doesn't appear to be
any sort of special occasion, seems like everyday goings-on. Not how I
image Tokyo.