Re: PF member's exhibit on 13 NOV 2010

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The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space is at

Comments on this week's photos:

Lea Murphy -- Christie, Grace and Alfred -- As is so frequently the case when they get onto a set, the dog steals the show! I love the head-tilt back towards the camera. The mother is great too. The daughter (I'm making assumptions here; I trust the words I'm using make clear which subject I'm referring to, and that's all that matters) has a slight look of just going through the motions. For three at once including a child and a dog, this is outstanding, though.

Technically, I'm bothered by the amount of glare on the mother's forehead over the eye on the right.

John Palcewski -- Cynthia & Sappho -- I was about to comment on your decision to cut off the feet of cyan-bikini, when the Internet decided to deliver the rest of your picture. So never mind that bit! Awwww; they're sweet.

Emily Ferguson -- twins -- At least they hold still!

Pini Vollach -- Nothing -- It was nothing! Really! (title of a 1969 story by Theodore Sturgeon that you just reminded me of).

Rubin F. Diehl -- RoboTrain -- Nice industrial detail.

Trevor Cunningham -- flame tree leaves -- That flame tree is doing well by you!

Dan Mitchell -- Bell Tower -- Nice square tower. Sticking up (as is frequent) from a place that doesn't look that heavily populated today.

David Dyer-Bennet -- Skinner Memorial Chapel (east face) at Carleton College -- This is mine. I'm amused the web gnomes had another similar tower to put it next to (this one doesn't so far as I know have actual bells, which is a pity).

Thanks to all who participate in the gallery this week!
David Dyer-Bennet, dd-b@xxxxxxxx;

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