Hi, Here is my comment on this weeks gallery. The first image of a cat is a good technical image of a living thing. And I like cats too and this one seems quite content to sit.... The second one is totally different. It is an abstraction of the season on the Northern autumn. I used to take images like that but I have stopped taking this sort of thing now. My home is very humble compared to this home in Santa Fe. It makes me feel so small and helpless to see wealth like that for I am very poor. The next home I did not quite understand because in Wales some homes are built without cement as are the dry stone walls in that area and in Cumbria. But I suppose they are dry and warm so perform their function as a shelter. "Wet Harvest" is a record image showing some kind of aquiculture but I do not recognise the crop. Marilyn sure has an imagination! I picture in a bit of rock! I can see the dog in the middle as an outline and the band of fire but not the monster breathing the fire. I used to take picture like that once. Tupperware parties also model lingerie I believe.... No thank you, I don't fancy a drink right now. I doubt if that man is as old as he looks he is worn out by street sleeping and will probably not live much longer. I nice set of images altogether so thank you all that gave up their time to contribute. I am out of detention now and into after care where they are re-integrating me with society. However it is not clear to me what I did to upset the authorities. I am desperately lonely as mum is in a care home and my girl friend has left me to go home to Hungary to the man who was a father to her as she is an orphan. She left because I had no money to support her and scarcely enough for myself. That is what happened. A sad, sad old man. Chris The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated NOV 06, 2010. Authors with work now on display at: http://people.rit.edu/andpph/gallery.html include: John Palcewski - Italian Cat Valery Firsov - Autumn Herschel Mair - Sweet Home Santa Fe Rene M Hales - Trulli House at the Corner Emily Ferguson - wet harvest Marilyn Dalrymple - Trevor Cunningham - a different kind of tupperware party Dan Mitchell - Drink ?