Marco, You raise some really valid points with your comments and I appreciate them. I used to struggle with the fact that I use my iphone to make photographs but I decided to get over that simply because it is a camera and it does take photos and it can take reasonably good photos. I wish I carried my 5D or my 5DM11 or my Leica D-Lux 4 around with me everywhere but the reality is that I don't. However, I barely move five feet without my iphone and I've begun to really get a handle on what subjects suit it best. I had just finished mowing my grass when I was walking up the steps to go inside. I saw the hosta, was impressed with the texture and the whorl, whipped out my camera and snapped the photo. My hands were grimy, I was sweaty and if I hadn't take the image with my iphone I wouldn't have taken it at all. Part of what I like best about the thing is that it's like a box of never know quite what you're going to get. You can hedge your bets in your favor (good light, still subject, etc.) but even then you just never really know. Using apps to 'process' the images adds quite a lot of fun to the whole process. It's what I consider my 'charming little' camera and for that it's just perfect. Thanks for your comments. Lea On May 9, 2010, at 7:44 PM, Marco Milazzo wrote: