Re: photo project I'm doing

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Are you using the share link provided for each image in Facebook?

Emily L. Ferguson wrote:
Well, I haven't figured out how the Panoramio pix are done yet, but I suspect it's similar to what I do for my project.
If you have or set up a google login - something you have to do to 
receive email from any of the google groups, to get gmail, to save map 
info like home so you can return to it and build travel instructions 
etc. - if you then go to you will see a link on the 
upper left called My Maps.
If you click on it, you will, of course, be told that you have no 
maps.  But there's a link to make some, and you can specify the name, 
and choose how much of google maps you want to include.
Then you will find an Edit button on the left side bar of your chosen 
map and if you click on it three buttons will appear on the map 
section near the poorly designed zoom/rotate slider.  One of those 
buttons is a blue balloon/pin.  If you click on that, you will find 
the balloon attached to your cursor and you can drag the cursor to the 
place where you wish to put the balloon.  Then an info box appears and 
you fill in the name of your balloon, and under it is a place for 
text/whatever.  Clicking on the Rich Text tab reveals the standard 
text control items and a cute tiny picture button.  Clicking on that 
brings up a panel into which you place an html link to your image.
Of course, since noone told you that you had to have your image online 
somewhere to link it to the blue balloon, you then have to figure out 
a way to upload your image somewhere and locate the url for the 
image.  This worked out for me, since I had already started the 
gallery on Facebook.  But I could have put it on my own site and had a 
url to that instead, and of course, there a millions of other possible 
places to put images on the web in this modern day and age.
Once you've got a url for your desired image, you then return to 
google maps and insert the link in the little dialog box and poof! the 
image appears in the info box for the balloon.
Then you click Save on the sidebar and Done to leave edit mode.

You can then click on the balloon and see the image, as well as any text you put in there.
There are some caveats - the one most irritating to me right now is 
that google adds balloons at the bottom of the list in the sidebar, 
and I want the most recent balloon at the top.  Google seems to think 
that triple spacing is surely the most reasonable distance apart for 
the titles of the balloons in the sidebar, so I have to scroll down to 
the bottom to retrieve my most recent balloon and drag it up the 
list.  Of course google hasn't figured out how to allow me to drag it 
up against the top of the list and have it automagically scroll, so I 
have to drop the new balloon at the top, then scroll up further, then 
pick up the balloon and drag it up the list to the new top, then 
scroll up further get the new balloon at the top of the list.
Makes me appreciate Apple.

Anyway, that's how you do it.

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