Tempus fugit as they say and in that spirit I have taken the initial steps to pull together a workshop/seminar on imaging and photography as tools of technology. So, I have placed online a description, tentative schedule and list of topics and other material for anyone interested to read and act on. What is "required" to start the ball rolling is a Fellowship application. These are worth $495 each but they will be awarded to all accepted seminar participants. This may make it possible to secure travel support, etc. Since this is a shoestring operation and one put together on the spur of the moment I would welcome constructive suggestions, comments, etc. Find the preliminary document here: http://people.rit.edu/andpph/a-docs/2010-photo-tech-workshop.html Thank you for your cooperation and patience. Andrew Davidhazy at RIT located in upstate NY near Lake Ontario and Niagara Falls