RE: Gallery comments

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I didn't anticipate a film less world but I have always taken photo
goods references and people taking photos. I know how they will be
perceived as time goes on. The way costs change is always a wonder.
These days there is hardly any film in stores and I can't imagine paying
five bucks a pack for cigarettes.


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> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [SPAM] Gallery comments
> From: David Dyer-Bennet <dd-b@xxxxxxxx>
> Date: Sun, March 07, 2010 9:23 am
> To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students
> <photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> The Photoforum Gallery is online at
> <>
> Dan Mitchell <javascript:{}>, Fast Horse: I was puzzling over "1200
> type" until I realized it was a Polaroid, about the same time my eye got
> down that far. I think the blanket (or do they call it a coat or
> something?) makes this photo; just a horse by the speed limit sign would
> be nice, but this strangely-dressed horse is much better.  I have to say
> that generally, and including this case, I really don't like the very
> weird things Polaroid does to the color space, though.
> Alan Zinn, <javascript:{}>FILM. Don't Run Out: Yeah, and cigarettes for
> $1.50!  Do you remember if the film sign was an important part of your
> plan at the time you took the shot?  I'm wondering if this is a case of
> a photo whose meaning has changed significantly over time.
> John Retallack, <javascript:{}>Winter in Upstate New York: This looks
> dark and dingy to me, which is never what I want with snow pictures.
> It's not just my eyes (or my monitor); there are essentially no pixels
> above luminosity 200. But there doesn't seem to be any detail in the
> snow on the roofs, looks burned out.  I suspect this of having been
> pulled down too far in an attempt to recover from overexposure.
> Mark Harris <javascript:{}>, Inna's Hair: I don't have much experience
> with shared model shoots, but I'll bet that's more interesting than what
> most of the people got when they had her put her hair back again.  I'd
> like just a tad less hair in front of the eye on the right, but that's
> pretty minor really. This is quite neat, and I'm not shocked she wants
> to use it.
> Michael Hughes, <javascript:{}>Milliner and model: It's an interesting
> bit of hat, but it's not sharp, and neither are her eyes or any other
> facial features.
> It's great to see a gallery posted again!  Thanks to all who participate
> this week.
> --
> David Dyer-Bennet, dd-b@xxxxxxxx;
> Snapshots:
> Photos:
> Dragaera:

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