Damned impressive.
I've seen that technique before but never reallized it was done with still images.
I think you do a fabulous job of keeping the images moving at the same tempo as the song, thus creating a sense of busyness and chaos at just the right moments.
I really, really love what you've done with the images as you get to the city.
Lea On Feb 23, 2010, at 5:12 AM, Andrew Paul Brooks wrote: Hi, Thought you might be interested to see a music promo I have just created which you can see here, http://vimeo.com/9400457All of the footage was created with a Nikon D200 then much aftereffects post production to help give the feeling of motion. I wanted to try and create a kind of motion version of my stills work, www.andrewbrooksphotography.comBe interested to hear any feedback. Thanks, Andrew Brooks