Re: laptops!

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I regularly switch between Mac and PC at both work and home. I was about to become more of a Mac enthusiast (my default puter at home is a 20" iMac) until I uninstalled Zone Alarm from my Toshiba laptop and it actually started working again. I run Vista 32 Home with the annoying security messages turned off and have it set to look like Windows 2000. I personally think Windows navigation and display is far superior to Mac in EVERY way and am happy to have my Toshiba with me in my Crumpler bag when I travel...I'd take my wife's MacBook Pro instead if I didn't mind compromising utility for aesthetic.

Oh, and you can buy a PC notebook that will run laps around a MacBook Pro and is 50+% cheaper and more serviceable internationally.

James B. Davis wrote:
On Mon, 11 Jan 2010 14:48:52 +0800, karl shah-jenner <shahjen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
wrote/replied to:

Me? I'll buy a good nib and jam it in a comfortable pen to make the best
pen I can for me - it's not just because I'm 'cheap', it's because I can
make a better pen than any I could buy over the counter that way., that's
kinda how I do things.. and Windows is kinda like that for me.

I don't know about Windoze 7, haven't tried it yet, but Vista 64 has really
impressed me with it's rock solidness. Rarely has a program crashed and only
once or twice have I had to press reset, and that's in almost 2 years of serious

Mind you I'm like you, I built my machine from the best parts I could find,
researched each for performance and cost, then built just below the bleeding
edge. My machine is still high performance two years after I built it. Quad
processor, 8 GB DDR2, high end ATI card, and such.

The last time I tried a Mac was awhile ago but I went nuts with the messages I
had to click through asking if I really wanted to do this or that, generally
seemed to be for the type of artist that has no idea what hardware means and
never tweaks their software. I have fine tuned Vista and all my Windoze versions
to be streamlined, quick, and without the confirmation idiot boxes.

Tip for Vista users - dump the fancy Aero color scheme and you're computer will
seem 4 times as fast. Windows Classic scheme might look 10 years old, but man oh
man it will fly!

Now I'm waiting impatiently for my new T400. At last a laptop that can play
serious games AND do business. And it cost me less than a grand I might add with
some pretty high tech features.

The Lenova T500 by the way does come with a touch screen option. I like the T400
because it's very light, weight is important for me. I don't need touch screen
nor high def video output. Maybe on my next laptop in 3 years or so.

I rarely used my old laptop, basically when I went on a trip I used it for
business E-Mail and surfing. With this one I hope to use it a great deal more. I
can go to bed early and play Battlefield 2, update some webpages, or whatever
else I want.

Yep, I'll be able to do photo retouching in bed too, to bring this all back to a
photo theme.

Shortly after getting the laptop I'll be off to Europe for a 5 day trip so I'll
be working the G10 and T400 hard with photo stuff.

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