My eldest grandson will have earned his Pharm D, a doctorate in pharmacy, degree in May 2010 and before joining the working world after six years of college he and a few friends are planning a two week tour of parts of Europe. He has an old Canon P&S and was asking me about a camera. What kind of camera would be the best choice, a DSLR or some other digicam. He has always had an interest in photography which has been put on the back burner for the last six years so a DSLR might be the way to go, but..... If he gets a non slr camera, as his financial picture improves he can always buy the DSLR he wants rather than what he can afford. If he decides to get a DSLR, it will probably be a Canon due to the fact that there is a good selection of Canon lenses in the family that are not always in use. Again, if he decides on a DSLR, we're looking for advice on lenses. Because of the nature of the trip, backpacking and hostels, a minimum of lenses is what he would be carrying, considering weight and the possibility of theft. I was looking at something like a G10 or G11 but, like any DSLR they use rechargeable batteries while the SX20IS uses AA cells as a power source. I like the AA power source for this because AA cells are available just about anywhere in the world. This would eliminate the need for a multi voltage charger and remembering the charger and battery when moving on. Any comments are appreciated.. Thanks and Merry Christmas or any Holiday you celebrate. Bob -- ///// ( O O ) --------------------oOOO-----O----OOOo-----73 de w8imo@xxxxxxxx------ I plan to live forever. So far, so good...... |