In a message dated 10/11/2009 01:22:05 GMT Standard Time, eichhorn@xxxxxx
am reluctant to contact them I am sure you would get much further with an expert by saying at the start
- this is something about which I know nothing, can you help me -
in contrast those who start with some kind of half truth or assumption eg
'all libraries use the Dewey Decimal Classification System' ,' a boat made
from cement would sink like a stone' are more likely to get a brush off from and
expert with an 'if you say so' kind of response.
In the days of conscription into the armed services it was not unusual for
the person in charge to know less about a topic than some of his trainees hence
in certain service classrooms the blackboards had a legend which read 'if you
know nothing, say nothing - if you know something, say less.