I some
how missed the mail announcing the gallery. I had submitted a picture. Hope it
is in the queue for next week. It was a rainforest in IR.
someone send me the announcement so I have the link to the gallery? Thanks in
John Palcewski - Intoxicating
- Is he holding a catheter sample? A tramp with a bottle, and blurred...I get
it. Sorry, I feel forced to question the context under which the image was
taken. Likely incorrect, I feel the subject is embarrassingly taken off guard.
The title seems a reaction, and judgment, rather that a statement.
Offended...perhaps, a successful image.
Dan Mitchell - Quayside, Kings
Lynn - I am anti-iPhone, but think your work with the iPhone is brilliant only
in that what you have accomplished transcends the mediocre celebration of
apps. God bless you for making a potentially relevant technology relevant.
Excellent shot, I sense a bicycle army coming my way.
Michael Hughes -
Ravages of Time - Enduring? Receptive to change? This is the England I know.
And, I know I've been guilty of photographing what impresses me more than my
Adrienne Bennett - Gosh, there's so much to say here,
considering the D700 plug. It certainly advertises its low light ISO
flexibility over its lesser ancestors, but what else other than an
advertisement? Impressive is the detail, unfortunate is the composition. The
damnation of fire, the salvation of the worker's hands, why does the spike
resist to move?
Emily L. Ferguson - Harbor mouth after the storm - Nice
clouds and big black patch in the bottom right.
Jim Davis - Heavenly
Gull - I like how the gull is pet by the line of sunlight behind it. I find
myself more interested in the very man made shapes of the gull's perch, but
find a pleasant balance in the exposure. The gull seems well grounded in
reality with tsunami breakers beneath it.
Marilyn Dalrymple - No truth
in Advertising, Here - Disclaimer on bouncing a crazy check...I will maintain
now, as a new father, that I will be equally guilty of such kitsch to
the forum in the future.