Thanks for putting the gallery up for all to see. I appreciate your efforts. The following are my humble opinions, no more; no less.--Rene The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated AUG 29, 2009. Authorswith work now on display at: include: Rene M Hales - Dill at Three Toad Farm I like plants/flowers. Russ Baker - Nikki Great expression and pose. Know this is a head shot, but I think I would like to see her hand and more of the hat. Mark Lent - Lightening Strikes Well done panorama with the drama of the lightening. I like the colors and the view. Elson T. Elizaga - I Hate Mosquitoes Not sure where this is going. Perhaps to a campaign against mosquitoes. They are yuck. John Palcewski - Member of the Wedding Nice shot of a member of the wedding party. Dan Mitchell - Primary Colors I can see how the colors caught your eye. There is a smidge of wall beyond the red on the far left that is a distraction for me. Overall the shot does not do it for me. Jim Davis - Road into the Woods This does seem oddly overly light in the foreground. I do find the dark interior curve interesting and a bit foreboding. Might crop the foreground and see what it does. Roy Miller - Advertising Poster Seems quite photoshopped. But, heck it was selected as a poster for an event. Congratulations on the selection. Rene