At 9:04 AM -0400 8/9/09, ADavidhazy wrote:
The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated AUG 09,
2009. Authors
with work now on display at: include:
Bob McCulloch - Chesapeake Cat Boat
large, but far away
Greg Fraser - Water Garden
their camo is so good that one is almost forced to look for this
situation just so that they can be seen at all.
Dan Mitchell - Castle on the Hill
summer is bringing out the reporters among us, and here's a pleasant
enough report.
Emily L. Ferguson - Yorkminster tower
sorry, wrong title. It's very difficult to show just how big this
place is even with a human for scale. This is the nave and quire.
Trevor Cunningham - 33 - oliver robert cunningham
congrats. get some soft focus in there and watch out for shooting
people from below the chin.
John Palcewski - Amor Matris
people are amazing, what they imagine they wish to look like. It's
very difficult to reveal mother love in a photograph.
Roy Miller - Oh Lost and By the Wind Grieved Ghost
not very ghostly, more like Carnival time.
D.L. Shipman - Underexposed first quarter moon from yesteryear
I like the reflection, whether it's from the moon or somthing else,
but the reportorial presentation isn't very exciting.
There are 2 photographs (Cunningham, Firsov) awaiting installation.
The time to send yours is NOW! If you wait you'll probably forget! ;)
Send a photo now, it's Friday.
Instructions at:
Emily L. Ferguson
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races