One must have enough money for necessities: food, clean water, shelter, health care. Perhaps you can get that necessary "nut" by exchanging your art, your craft, your time, your body, your birthright. Or perhaps you can't. If you can't, survival itself will be difficult in any culture. If you can satisfy your basic needs, a fixation on accumulating and spending more money is called "materialism". Materialists look at art and ask "What's it worth?" Perhaps a more valuable question is "How does this art affect me?"
I'm not a parent, but it seems to me the value of raising children is personal satisfaction, potential care in old age or infirmity, and genetic continuity. The world doesn't owe you any of these values - they are the result of personal choice and action, so kids don't generally come with a paycheck.
If you get satisfaction from giving your art freely, you have
If you can't afford to give your art freely, and no one wants to pay your asking price, perhaps you should be doing something else. |