David Dyer-Bennet Re: 'Leica S2 Medium format DSLR hitting UK scene in October ' PhotoRoy6@xxxxxxx wrote: > Some say that a full 35mm sensor will max out at 25.4 megapixels > because of diffraction and other optical problems will make more > megapixels useless. The number thrown around for the max out of medium > format is 39 megapixels but the question of just what medium size > format they are referring to isn't mentioned. They're probably wrong. <http://theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/2009/02/w hy-80-megapixels-just-wont-be-enough.html> I've said before here, the resolving power of a digital sensor is at best 1/3 of the stated pixel count due to nyquist limits in an off axis situation - and that's at best. the article above just goe a little further :) k