I don't know if the simple light weight 9 volt battery, the type that used to be used in radios before Ipods would work. Light, may not last that long, but a 9 volt is a couple of bucks. Best Buy had the batteries for about $40 bucks or so. Yes I can get them cheaper, but I am not going to get them $2 cheap and if that $2 will charge a $40 buck battery all the better.
The back packs with the solar cells look interesting and could be a solution for a laptop battery, but its also a lot more than I wanted to spend at this point. I bought two 4 gig CF flash cards at Costco last week for about 35 bucks. Extra cards for me would make more sense than trying to deal with an image dump till I can get to power for the laptop.
I did see what looked like a grip for the body on KEH that took AA batteries. The AA might solve the problem if a set of batteries would last as long as a battery pack. Again that was also a couple of hundred bucks, but I would at least get the verticle shutter release back.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Recharging digital camera batteries
From: Bob <w8imo@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, April 15, 2009 9:20 pm
To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students
I'm curious, what voltage batteries do they charge and how small do they fold?
Emily L. Ferguson wrote:Rolled plastic solar chargers have been used on boats now for about 10 years. They're all over the web, just hunt them down.
-- ///// ( O O ) --------------------oOOO-----O----OOOo-----73 de w8imo@xxxxxxxx------ I plan to live forever. So far, so good......