I am about to spend my life savings and my children's inheritance on a
Nikon D3X. Just to keep up with the Jones's who are in opposition to me
I have a Mamiya ZD back on a 645AF but it's way too slow for me when it
comes to shooting people. Also I don't have a range of lenses for the
I want something that will recycle as fast as the studio flash packs so
I can shoot around 1-1.5 fps for about four or five frames ...at least
plus I want to do interiors etc.,
I just can't justify the price of a new Hasselblad and the new ZD back,
which is apparently a little faster, is also $7500.
Actually I can't really justify the D3X and at around $1000 a day which
is what I charge now, it would take 8 full days of shooting... in a bad
month that could be 2 months of work, to pay for it - In any case most
of those jobs could easily be done with the D3 I already have.
Should I be sneaky and just Up-res the D3 images to 25MP?
Please give me some sensible reasons to not buy this thing which calls
me from the depths of B'nH and whispers my name...