Karl Shah-Jenner:
Great shot, Karl. I like the white uniform against the yellow
background . Nice, clean action shot. It may be interesting to have
had a longer exposure and to have seen some blurring to indicate the action, but
still, very well done.
Rob Miracle
Evil Eve: An intriguing shot, Rob. Imaginative, attention-getting and well done. I like the "snake's head," and the green leaves in her hair. The light on her left (facing her straight on) cheek is a touch hot, but not that distracting. Trevor Cunningham
pickin' a knit: I like the _expression_ on the little monkey's face. It looks as if he/she knows it is being preened for a photo shoot. The light and exposure are right on. Dan Mitchell
Scarlet Woman: Perhaps a little more straight on of the cosmetics would work better. I feel I am looking down and that feels uncomfortable. The lower angle would also eliminate the floor in the shot. It looks just a touch cluttered on the left-hand side. I like the red and white, however, and with just a couple of minor adjustments would be a great shot. Christopher Strevens
Worry: A well done, strong shot and a title that perfectly describes the mood . The window light is a little hot on her white hair, but that doesn't detract from the feel of the photograph. I like her fingers in her hair. Well done, Christopher. Your mother is very patient letting you photograph her so much and she seems oblivious to the camera, which ads impact and interest to the photographs. Rene M Hales
Locked In: When I first saw this shot I thought the bars were a fence and they bothered me. Then I read that they are prison bars and the photograph took on an entirely new meaning. How frustrating it must be to be "Locked In." Michael Hughes
Halloween Hag in Norwich: This shot tells me, "Halloween is Over," and illustrates a story (Halloween is Over). I'd like to see the colors saturated a touch more and if it was dark, it might be scarier. If I crop in tightly to just below the cat and as close to the hag as I can, I like it better. You've got a good eye for subjects, Michael. Emily L. Ferguson
food for cars?: As with all your shots, Emily, this is photographically well done. Nice detail and good lighting. Thank you to all who contributed to the show and to
Andy and staff for hanging the show. A good variety of nice