Lenticular arrays have been around for years but I found a way to do it in real time on TV. I lost the patent through prior disclosure. http://www.chrisscrazyideas.co.uk/Practical%20Suggestions/3%20D%20TV/index.h tm 3D TV's and monitors will be on sale in the stores and arcades next year. I won't make any money.... :(. Chris. -----Original Message----- From: owner-photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of karl shah-jenner Sent: 03 September 2008 12:07 To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students Subject: and now 3D without glasses I've always wondered why this took so long - I mean the graphics engines can slice scenes and lenticular lanses are a level of precision not beyond panel makers but whatever, we've got them now! btw, Australia has always been known to the asian markets as the biggest consumer and earliest adopters of electronics so we get a lot of this stuff before most other countries http://www.theage.com.au/news/biztech/3d-tv-without-the-goggles/2008/09/03/1 220121308970.html k